Sleep disorder
The consequences of not sleeping well and enough are often underestimated. They not only impact the mood and the performance but also the health.
We don’t sleep 8 hours straight but rather by cycles of 90 min (+ or – 20min). Each cycle serves a particular purpose from getting ready to sleep, updating the brain with new relevant information acquired during the day, resting and cleansing the brain cells, allowing our brain to test our updated our updated programs, develop our creativity and also soothing our emotions.
Typical sleep disorder that can be healed with hypnotherapy include difficulty to fall asleep, difficulty to get back into sleep at the end of a sleep cycle, insomnia, parasomnia and fatigue despite a full night sleep.
Many factors from life style, diet, physical pain, diseases, anxiety can impair the sleep pattern. A sleep disorder hypnotherapy session starts with a detailed examination of your problem, life style, sleep pattern and history.
Depending on the issue and once the underlying cause clearly identified I will use guided imagery, suggestions or/and inner child work to reset your sleep pattern
Recently on IGTV
If you are considering hypnotherapy, it is essential to find the right therapist.
Word of mouth, testimonial and reviews are your best source.
Recently, two of my clients shared their Hypnotherapy journeys on @sarahthepivoter podcast.
If you are wondering what Hypnotherpay can do for your take 5 min to watch this video and schedule your initial consultation.
Source : Sarah the Pivoter Podcast on IGTV

Read the case study below
Case Study *
Morgan is a 32 years old female who has not been sleeping properly since University.
The sleep deprivation has had consequences on her life and work. She didn’t want to rely on sleep pills and she heard about hypnotherapy from a colleague who had a few sessions with me and she decided to try.
Her life style, diet and pre bed routine is rather standard and healthy. She falls asleep easily but wakes 3 hours later and can’t return to sleep. We quickly identified the disruptive pattern as she realized through my questioning that this is when she is aware she is dreaming that she becomes agitated and wakes up. She subconsciously associated being aware of her dream with the end of her night sleep. An association her brain has accepted and reproduced every night. This process happened without her conscious awareness but a guided inquiry quickly connected the dots. She also realized it all started at Uni when a few roommates started regularly to come back late from partying and disrupted her sleep pattern. She was reproducing the same pattern since then.
Morgan was a bit nervous as it was her first hypnosis but the understanding she would be fully conscious, extremely focus and relaxed coupled with the prospect of closing her eyes for a while was enough to convince her. She very quickly got into the hypnotic trance.
I suggested Morgan under hypnosis that every time she notices her dream she could relax and let go as it only meant just was completing a full cycle or restful sleep and was ready to enter the next one. When I counted her up, she had a large smile, feeling rested and reported a weird shift in her body.
A week later when she came back and told me she had her full night sleep in 10 years right after our session. We reinforced the new pattern and clear the remaining traumatic association from Uni.
Her relationship to sleep had changed profoundly in only 2 sessions.
It typically takes 2 to 5 sessions to solve sleep disorder issues.
*Case studies are inspired from real client's stories but names and personal details have been changes to preserve confidentiality.